New Free & Just Digital Ads Fight Back Against  Extremist Politicians Threatening a Government Shutdown Over Abortion Access 

Ads in Arizona and Wisconsin Encourage People to Fight Back by Sharing Their Stories on How Abortion Bans Impact Them

WASHINGTON — Today, the Free & Just Campaign launched a new digital ad campaign in Arizona and Wisconsin — two states with extreme abortion bans —  to fight back against the politicians who are hijacking the federal appropriations process with their anti-abortion policies and threatening a government shutdown at the end of the month. The ads encourage people to share their stories about how these policies affect their access to care and the outcomes they face as a result. Despite the wide unpopularity of abortion bans, anti-choice lawmakers continue to force their destructive agenda to further restrict access to care and endanger the personal choices and health of those who may need an abortion. 

Free & Just Senior Campaign Director Chrystian Woods released the following statement:

“As extreme politicians threaten to shut down the government if they can’t ram through their harmful anti-abortion agenda, we’re fighting back by showing the real and often disastrous consequences of attacks on reproductive freedom. These digital ads are part of Free and Just’s efforts to amplify the voices of those who have had their freedom stripped away by dangerous abortion bans and other attacks on reproductive health care. We’re empowering people to stand up and fight back by telling their story — from Arizona to Wisconsin, and across the country —  these experiences must be at the forefront of the fight to protect abortion access.”

Ad copy is as follows: 


Arizonans: Stand Up to Attacks on Reproductive Freedom

Arizona, Anti-abortion extremists are threatening to shut down the government. Fight back and share your story


Wisconsinites: Stand Up to Attacks on Reproductive Freedom

Wisconsin, anti-abortion extremists are threatening to shut down the government. Fight back and share your story.

Fight Back

Politicians are trying to tell us what we can and can’t do with our bodies and our lives. Together, we can fight back. Share your story to defend reproductive freedom.


About Free & Just
Free & Just is fighting to stop attacks on reproductive freedom and rights. We’re working with people across the country to share real stories to show the devastating consequences of attacks on our reproductive freedom. We all deserve the right to control our bodies and lives. That’s why we’re sharing our stories, raising our voices, and fighting for our future.


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