New Ad Highlights What’s at Risk If SCOTUS Strikes Down Emergency Abortion Care Protections

Anti-abortion extremists are targeting protections that guarantee patients can access the lifesaving care, including abortion procedures, they need to survive a medical emergency 

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Washington, D.C. — Today, Free & Just released a new ad calling attention to what is at stake should the conservative-led Supreme Court side with anti-abortion extremists who are challenging national protections that guarantee the right to receive life-saving care — including emergency abortion care — that could have dangerous outcomes for patients experiencing pregnancy complications. On Wednesday, Supreme Court justices will hear oral arguments in a consolidated case to decide whether or not hospitals can provide abortion care when required during emergency medical situations.

“Everyone deserves access to lifesaving health care when they’re faced with life-or-death situations and this includes abortion care. We’re educating constituents in key congressional districts about what’s at stake should Trump-appointed justices strike down these abortion protections—a dangerous precedent that would lead to hospitals turning away more patients, frighteningly worse health outcomes, and extremist politicians emboldened to further restrict access to health care,” said Veronica Ingrahm, Senior Campaigns Director for Free & Just. 

This ad is part of a six figure targeted digital and linear program across three Congressional districts: WI-03, TX-15, and NE-02 to raise awareness about this latest anti-abortion attack on reproductive freedom.

New polling shows a majority of voters support the law that protects a patient’s ability to access lifesaving care, and believe emergency abortion care should be protected if a woman’s health is at stake. 

Ad Script

Imagine you need emergency care.

Imagine someone you love does…

Only to be turned away.

That’s what’s at stake

As the Supreme Court decides whether hospitals are allowed

to provide emergency abortion care,

Including to help patients whose lives are at risk.

It could open the door to political interests restricting other emergency care

And interfering in doctors’ ability to do their jobs…

Or even throwing them in jail.

Don’t let politicians interfere in lifesaving health care.


About Free & Just

Free & Just is fighting to stop attacks on reproductive freedom and rights. We’re working with people across the country to share real stories to show the devastating consequences of attacks on our reproductive freedom. We all deserve the right to control our bodies and lives. That’s why we’re sharing our stories, raising our voices, and fighting for our future.


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